Thursday, July 28, 2005

A not so short story :)

* * * And that folks, is The End!* * *


kamal said...

How much ever you say you hate idlis, secretly u desire them :) because it is a recurring occurrence in your blogs.

Anonymous said...

Hey RS,
Is it an untold protocol to serve IDLI's as soon as u land in India though u have lot of other tiffins.
Even my mom had made Idlies when I went home. Even a couple of my friends were served with idlies. Now on ur blog too... change to Pongal and Vadai :)...

RS said...

To kamal: Noooo, I still dont like idlis, earlier I used to hate it, now since the frequency has reduced, I have begun to just dislike it...:)

To Anon: :), probably because it's easier to cook and is healthier? Next time, pongal, vadai for sure :)

Anonymous said...

Hi RS,
I enjoyed reading the not-so-short story and as the character of Padma maami emerged. I could but only see my paati, who raised me for most of my life. The same annoying but incredibly endearing traits. I have been kuttufied on the head by Karma for labelling and complaining that all her affections were suffocating, unrequired, embarassing and overdramatic. Now I so wish someone would fuss over me. She still does over the phone, I still chide her for it.I'll be me and she'll be she.

RS said...

anon: thats a sweet little short story of a comment :) Thanks.

Shiva said...

enna, "chithi"kku appuram "annamalai" kidyadhaa ? ;)